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Officiële spelregels
Nederlandstalige spelregels


Can I dislodge my own unit?
No. There is no situation where a unit can be dislodged by another unit of the same country, no matter how much support the attacking unit has. Furthermore, you can't support another country's unit in an attack against one of your units. Such an order is invalid.

What happens when two units are ordered to retreat to the same space?
Both units are disbanded. This happens fairly frequently and not always by accident.

Does any attack against a fleet disrupt a convoy?
No. A convoy is not disrupted unless one of the convoying fleets is dislodged. (A "convoying fleet" is one that an army actually passes through, not just one that is supporting the convoy).

Can a unit be disbanded voluntarily in a winter phase in order to be rebuilt somewhere else or as something different?
Not unless it was dislodged. Only dislodged units and units that can't be supplied can be voluntarily disbanded.

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